Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Step 1

So you’ve realised you’re a neurotic froot loop?? Now what??

I guess they sat knowledge is the first step towards recovery, closely followed by admission… What they don’t tell you is just how far apart those steps are.

I mean, my real problem is not making the admission that I have the skeletons in my closet (lets admit it, we all have them), my problem is that even though I admit I have those skeletons, and that I want to get rid of them, it’s really not so easy to find that motivation to lead you there.

All words that roll ever so easily off the tongue, but maybe not so easy to commit to on the follow through.

So a bit of a recap ????

I guess the last 10 months have been both the happiest and the hardest of my life so far. It’s been a rollercoaster, that’s for sure. So it all started on the 7th of August 2009… As my lovely wife describes it,  the day we ‘got hitched’. But since then… well it’s been interesting…

I mean… 3 job losses, 1 eviction of sorts, 3 weeks in hospital, and all of the inevitable financial hardships that go along with the job losses, not to mention the GFC, what can I say… it’s been fun. But my one constant, my anchor, my umbrella when the proverbial hits the fan, has been my wife. She has held together our lives when her ever reliable husband (yep… that’s me) has been… well, let’s say less than reliable.

I must admit, we’ve had our ups and downs. But to finally come face to face with your inadequacies, there’s really no feeling that compares. Now don’t get me wrong here, there’s no reason to place the blame for any of these anywhere by squarely at my feet.

Sometimes I guess you just hit that point in your life that you need to confront your demons head on. For me, that happens to be now… and I guess a large part of that process is sharing that journey with any of you might be interested. You’re bound to find heartfelt outpourings that happen to come out into cyberspace (it’s as good a place as any isn’t it?), maybe some interesting discoveries that I found intriguing, and maybe a quote or two that I just found ridiculously funny.

So if you happen to stay tuned, please do… If not, no worries… This may be something that interests you, maybe not. For me, this is just a commentary on one man(me)’s journey to regain his sanity, his life and his future…

It’s been a pleasure writing to you… whoever you may be…
Talk Soon